Saturday, 16 June 2012

AT Inventions

Wow! These inventions today are so creative! Here are just a few:
 1. Amy's Turkey Baster Pencil Holder- This is a pencil made with a turkey baster. This would be great for kids with fine motor problems. It's easy to grasp or hold. A student could use the squeezy end as a fidget toy. The end can actually be used as an eraser. Awesome!
2. Shauna's Squeeze Bottle - This is a could also be used for kids with fine motor problems. Kids with autism could also use. You could use sand or rocks or glue inside along with the pencil.
3.Becky's Easy Grip Magnetic Letters- This could be used with kids with movement, fine motor problems. It is a magnetic strip and glued letters onto the strip. This was amazing! Really hard to explain without pictures! Really nice!
4. Jeff's Spongy Whiteboard - Half cork, half whiteboard with sponges underneath. You could use this with students who have difficulty with writing on a flat surface.
5. Janna's Spatula Scissors - Adapted scissors with spatulas for handles. She attached a clamp that could be attached to a desk. So, student could push down instead of having to squeeze scissors. This could be used with students with fine motor difficulties, visual difficulties. An amputee could actually use this.
6. Jill's Dice Buddy - This is a butter dish with dice tucked inside. This would be great with kids that have physical difficulties. But, it would be great for kids with ADHD. Dice are constantly being thrown or lost. This tool would keep the dice is one spot and they will never go missing!
7. Amy's One Handed Marker Holder - Plaster is in the bottom and the caps are stuck in it. Markers can be taken out without having to worry about taking off the caps. Students with fine motor difficulties could take them out with ease.
8. Jackie and Jennifer's Popscicle Painter - Foams were stuck on the end so you can make different textures using paint or glue or glitter. They had funky fruit grips to make it easier to pick up. Students with fine motor, grip difficulties could use these.
9. Anne's Measure Assist - You put glue a bathroom squeegee to a ruler or protractor.
10.Alana's Skater Rex - This little toy would encourage active play.  He's a little blue T-Rex on a skateboard that kids could push and pull. There's a chew toy at the back for easier grip.
11. Heather's Floater - For those who have fine motor issues. You could use it for zippers or cameras when around water.

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